Creating a New Work Order

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To create a new work order click the pts-0008 button on the Current Work Order Window, or Right

Mouse Click for a menu of options - See Video

. worightclick




This will pop up the Add Order Window and Automatically pop up a customer List


If the window is set NOT to popup, you can  Press the F2 Key to pop up a list of your

customers on file. You set this pop up to be automatic in Global Configuration.



Select the Customer from the list, or Click the Insert Button to add a new customer.


Next, either enter the License Tag for the customer's vehicle, or Press the F2 Key

again for a list of vehicles on file for this customer. The Vehicle pop up can be set

to be automatic in Global Configuration.



Press Select to select a vehicle, or Click the Insert Button to add a new vehicle for

this customer.


Fill out any other information needed such as Mileage/KM in and when the customer

expects the vehicle to be ready.



Next you will probably want enter some instructions for the Technician

Click on the Notes Tab to enter instructions



You can enter instructions free hand, or Press the F2 Key or Right Mouse to import from a list of previously defined instructions.



Just Highlight a description and click the Select button.



Now Click on the Save Button pts-0017 to save your new work order.


This will return you to the Current Work Order Window. Notice your new work order

is now on the browse window.



You may want to Print an Authorization form, which also doubles as Work Sheet for the technician.

You can print 2 copies, one for the customer and one for the Tech.

To Print click the pts-0019 Button.


Preview of Authorization Form Printout.




That's all there is to it. You will be adding Parts and Labor detail as the work order is being

completed. This can be done at any time.


To Add Detail Items to the Work Order, Right Mouse Click on the Detail Portion of the Current Order Window, making sure you

have the correct Work Order HiLighted in the Top Window. See Video



Right Click Menu on Item Detail




Or to  add detail, You can Click the Change button pts-0022 when the work order you want to add

detail to is selected(Hi Lited).


Then Click on the Detail Tab




To add detail to work order Click the pts-0024 Button. This bring up the Add/Change

Detail Window.




Press the F2 Key to get a list of your Inventory and Labor Items.




To find a part or labor Item, simply type in the description, the list will find your item

as your type.



The list can be sorted by any of the TABS at the top of the list, simply

by clicking on the tab.




The list can also be filtered so only Parts - Labor - Sublet  or Kits appear

in the list by clicking one of the filter button on the lower left hand corner

of the window.




When the item is found and HiLited, Click the pts-0032 Button

which will automatically enter the item information into work order detail window.



You can add more description to an item, change the quantity, price,

cost etc. from this window. If you are satisfied with the information,

Press the pts-0034 Button.


Do the same for any other detail items you have sold on this work order.



When you are finished entering Detail, you can Add more Notes by clicking

Notes Tab. Press pts-0037 Button when you are finished.


You may want to Print a copy of the completed work order prior to the customers

arrival. Just click the pts-0038 Button.


When the customer arrives to pick up his vehicle, HiLite the customer;s work order

and Click the pts-0039 Button. This brings up the Pay window.



Unless Work Orders are Paid Out and End of Day Processing

is run, Customer, Invoice and Vehicle History will not be available.




Enter the Pay Type by using the spin box under Type. The payment can split

to 3 different pay types if needed. Click the pts-0041 Button to consummate the

sale. You will be asked whether you would like to print and Invoice for the customer.

Normally you would print 2 copies, one for the shop and one for the customer.




That's all there is to Adding,Changing and paying out a Work Order