Cooling Fan Failure 2000 w/19K miles

Question posted by Carl Knapp ( on Saturday, August 09 at 11:38 PM


Both of my Rialta's cooling fans shattered at 19,000 miles hurling pieces of the fan through out my engine compartment. Would the factory erro of hooking the fans up backwards have caused this problem? I now know of 11 other individuals that have experienced the same problem. One individual lost his vacuum system because the fan pieces flew off and cut his vacuum line. VW and Winnebago have informed me they have no failure reports on 2000 units. I wonder why the NHTS has two reports pending on their web site. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so how did VW guarantee the safety of the replacement units? According to VW when the fans fail my engine should have automatically shut down. Lucky this did not occur. We were headed down Eagle Nest Mountain in Tennessee and were able to pull the unit over safely.

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