RE: LeSharo Motorhome

Follow-Up posted by Jan Anderson ( on Wednesday, June 12 at 04:59 PM


I just bought a l989 LeSharo from a private party. I decided to put new batteries in it and have it thoroughly checked over by a certified LeSharo mechanic at a local Winne dealer. All he could find was a bad bolt in the alternator which I am having replaced. They too tried to scare me with the parts problem. There is a great place that stocks NEW and rebuilt LeSharo parts called and you can find them on-line. They are super helpful and claim they have no problem getting parts at this point. They also ship really fast. I was able to buy my own part from them and take it to the dealer to be installed. Other than the fact that the engine is what I would call a real dog...s-l-o-w (with very high RPM's) I just love it. Gotta love the M.P.G. though! I too am concerned about the repairs (if needed) and parts availability but for now, I don't think it is a major problem. Good luck with yours!

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