RE: alternative to rialta?

Follow-Up posted by Tina (tina3092@aol) on Monday, August 04 at 11:29 AM


After making a late night run to the store, I ran into someone with a 2003 Rialta. The look caught my eye right off the bat. I ran home only to find this board with postings of people having "concerns" with their Rialta's. Looks can be decieving I take it as I learned the hard way when buying a 2000 Daweoo Nubria, wich rated worst on a crash test the day after driving it off the lot. One thing I did notice about track records online when searching for that "special" set of wheels, the postings are not all consumers, but the dealers stating that these vehicles, etc., are the rated #1 and the best on the market, regardless of engine, door, window, a/c, problems, etc... I think i'll stick to the old way looking for a purchase and ask people who actually own one (not people who have their for sale, they'll say anything as well to get you to buy their's), this way I can make my own date base with a check list of what's worth my money and what's not.. wich leads me to think, I wonder if these dealerships give out references...

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