RE: How Important is Gas Mileage?

Follow-Up posted by Jeff ( on Monday, March 01 at 01:45 PM


GAs mileage is just one thing. The main thing is "handy". I use and enjoy my Rialta a lot more than I would a larger unit.I keep it at home,gets through traffic better,and takes a regular size parking space. Yet it has a toilet,stove,bed and refrigerator.Its like a sports car compaired to a 3/4 ton truck. It fits my needs most of the time,when it doesn't,I take my truck or Buick Roadmaster. You are right,its flimsy.So are airplanes.Maintenance cost have not been high,but I'm concerned about all the late models for sale with new transmissions.Automobile polution is insignificant compaired to other things.(Maybe not in Calif.) Just my opinion.Jeff

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